SMART Pannonia Expert forum and CONNECT2CE stakeholder seminar in Sopron, Hungary
On the 10th of December 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs an Trade has organized the SMART Pannonia Expert Forum in Sopron which was a big and media-effective event. It was a great opportunity to present the CONNECT2CE project and Pilot Action number 4 (Design of Public Service Obligation for micro public transport Austria-Hungary) to a wide audience as well as high-ranking politicians. The RMB was heavily involved in the organization of the event, especially in creating the agenda and organizing the program content. Through this involvement, CONNECT2CE and the project content were strongly represented, especially with regard to the SETA reference. Current issues relating to cross-border passenger and freight traffic along the SETA-axis were presented and discussed in a separate morning session and CONNECT2CE was presented as in the afternoon.