Exploring synergies for cross-cutting interdisciplinary innovations in Saxony:
FutureSax Innovation Forum 28.11.2018 Zittau
Lightweight materials and technologies are key enabling technologies, which have been explicitly addressed by the smart Specialisation strategy of Saxony. Innovative lightweight materials and systems as well as the related technologies are special competence fields of Saxony´s innovation community. In these fields, Saxony can benefit from its innovation traditions and a highly developed manufacturing sector and became one of the top-innovative regions of Europe.
More than 100 entrepreneurs and researchers met at 29th October 2018 in Zittau for the FutureSax innovation forum. FutureSax is a regional innovation platform, projected by the Saxon Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport. It has established several attractive event and workshop-formats for ideation, matchmaking of innovation partners for cross-sector and interdisciplinary projects and offers permanent information and co-operation opportunities. FutureSax regional learning groups and innovation partnerships build a solid basis for the involvement of actors from Saxony in the SYNERGY activities, such as synergic networks.