Local Coffee Workshop by RER
8th September 2020, Online
Emilia – Romagna Region has arranged a Local coffee workshop that has taken place online on the 8th of September, targeted on Enterprises and focusing on Innovative financial Instruments: how to stimulate investments in EE measures to become more sustainable but also more competitive on the market.
The event has been based on some key output of the project and specifically, presentations delivered have been:
- The Innovative Financial instruments supporting investments of Industry in EE measures, based on the knowledge gained during the “Train the trainers” and “training the public operators” activities developed within FIRECE project
- Methodologies and tools to assess the effectiveness of public funds supporting the Industry investments in EE measures, based on deliverables developed through a comparative analysis within FIRECE area to support Industry, on the one side about the Financial instruments available both at public and private level to finance their projects in EE measures and, on the other side, to guide Industry to submit more effective projects by illustrating key elements that public Authorities assess when receiving projects by them, asking for financial support.