Local Seminar by RER
8th September 2020, Online
On the 8th of September RER has organized online an event within FIRECE project, targeted to Public Authorities (Regional administration and Municipalities) to share knowledge and results achieved within FIRECE. The Focus was on the FIRECE action plan, Training modules, discussing with participants about Financial Instruments to support the low carbon transition of Industry sector and guiding the discussion towards the rule of Public authorities about their support and guidance for the Industry sector.
The audience has expressed great interest towards the content shared. FIRECE methodologies, tools, outcomes and Training modules have been very much appreciated as considered very supportive for operators working in Energy field and Financial issues, underlining the importance to be updated and trained to better satisfy the need of the territory specially the Industry sector, to become more energy efficient but also saving money in energy consumption with the possibility to invest in energy innovation and to become more competitive also on the market. Though the event has been arranged to involve mainly the public sector, private entities have joined, showing interest and curiosity to find out information useful also for them.
The event has been very important to raise awareness about the strategic importance of investing in EE measures implementations while offering and sharing FIRECE key outputs: Training, tools and methodologies to upgrade skills of public operators in order to improve the management of the Energy plans at all levels - Regional and Local.