Stakeholder Meeting in Budapest

18th November 2019, Budapest

One of the main objectives of the FIRECE project is to develop innovative financial instruments through pilot actions to support energy efficiency investments of small and medium-sized enterprises. The Hungarian partner of FIRECE, DDRIÜ Nonprofit Kft. together with the EX ANTE Consulting Ltd are implementing the above-mentioned pilot action. In the framework of the cooperation, which has been ongoing since the end of September 2019, a national market analysis has been carried out which explores the advantages, weaknesses of constructions supporting the energy efficiency developments of SMEs and the needs of the target group as well.

The second step, in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, was to define the basis of the innovative financial instrument, which was presented to stakeholders on 18th November 2019 in Budapest. The participants received information about the design of the planned tool, and they could ask their questions and share their feedbacks.

The invited speaker of the event was Zsuzsanna Tandi, from Wigner Physics Research Center, who shared her experiences with the establishment and operation of the ESA BIC Hungary Business Incubator House.
