Development in the field of coeliac disease
Largest National Event in the field of Paediatrics was organised in April 2019 in Maribor.
This national event attracts medical professionals from all Slovenia, as well as some European leaders in the field of paediatrics. Participants are mostly HCPs working in primary care, however many of secondary care and tertiary care HCPs also attend the meeting. Majority of participants are paediatricians and nurses in paediatrics, as well as medical students and students of health care sciences. Other participants such as dietitians, laboratory workers, psychologists also attend the meeting.
One of the priorities this year were new developments in the field of coeliac disease and presentation of some important results of the Focus IN CD project to participants of the meeting. One full session was devoted to transition medicine and CD being one of the most common chronic disorders was used as a model for other chronic diseases of affecting gastrointestinal tract as well as other organ systems. It was the aim of our Focus IN CD team to present some of the results of the activities undertaken during the project. One lecture focusing on many faces of coeliac disease was presented by prof. Ilma Korponay Szabo from Hungary, and another on transition of coeliac patients from paediatric to adult care presenting new service (patient passport) by prof. Sibylle Koletzko from Germany. A dietitian from Sheffield, UK Nick Trott presented a very important lecture on pitfalls in gluten free diet. We provided each participant of the meeting with promotion material of our project.
Proceedings of the Meeting were published. Manuscripts focusing on Coeliac disease were published in them.
More than 300 participants attended the Meeting.
Alongside with the main meeting a traditional workshop on Paediatric endoscopy was organised with the use of simulators purchased within the Focus IN CD project to round up the activities focused on Coeliac disease during this national event. Fifteen participants attended the workshop.