Focus IN CD partners attended 51st ESPGHAN Annual Meeting in Geneva last week.
More than 4500 health care professionals from over 100 countries attended the meeting this year making this the most important global event of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition.
Members of the Focus IN CD project partners were very active during the meeting. They presented outcomes of the project at the ESPGHAN Special Interest Group meeting to participants with special interest for celiac disease. Some of the outcomes were also presented as posters to all participants of the Annual meeting. One of the posters got a Poster of distinction award. Partners were also very active in other events addressing coeliac disease with lectures and discussions in working groups.
Strong interest to broaden the use of tools developed in the project outside Central Europe to all European countries and USA was expressed by leaders of major centers of excellence, which proves that the work we are doing with Focus IN CD project in Central Europe is being recognized by experts around the world.