Focus IN CD partners attended 52nd ESPGHAN Annual Meeting in Glasgow
In June, Focus IN CD partners attended 52nd ESPGHAN Annual Meeting in Glasgow, which is the largest paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition meeting, with more than 4500 delegates from 97 countries.
Members of the Focus IN CD project were very active during the meeting, presenting some of the outcomes of our project. There was an oral presentation of the Hungarian partners on the antibody screening of children with first-degree relative with coeliac disease. Slovenian partners presented the outcomes of two studies that were made in the scope of the project. The results of a study on the influence of diagnostic delays on growth of children with coeliac disease were presented at the e-poster session, and the study on the impact of clinical presentation of coeliac disease on diagnostic delays was presented at the poster session. The presentations were very successful and enabled interesting discussions with other delegates, interested in coeliac disease.