Together with Slovenian Celiac Society we organised a meeting for adult patients with celiac disease that took place on 20th December 2018 in Gostilnica in Picerija Pobreški hram in Maribor. The patients were welcomed by the president of Slovenian Celiac Society, Domen Fras, who gave the introductory speech. That was followed by a speech by Jasmina Dolinšek presenting Focus in CD project and its results as well as the new e-tool that is to be launched in January and a speech by Simona Ornik focusing on the information and results of »Mentoring newly diagnosed patients« which is a new service developed and tested during the course of the project in collaboration with The City Municipality of Maribor.
After the speeches, patients were invited to a gluten free dinner which served as a nice opportunity to connect with each other.