Meeting of paediatricians and paediatric nurses with international participation in Šibenik
XIII. Meeting of paediatricians and paediatric nurses with the international participation in Šibenik was organized at the Amadria Park Solaris Šibenik from 11th to 14th October 2018 by Croatian Pediatric Society.
About 800 doctors, nurses and medical technicians and other health care professionals from Croatia and region took part in the meeting.
The lectures were from different fields of paediatrics. We presented the data about the knowledge and awareness about celiac disease among health care professionals in Croatia, with the main aim to improve the knowledge of the participants which is often insufficient and should be improved.
A copy of Coeliac disease brochure for HCPs that was prepared in the framework of the project was presented to all participants. This brochure is also available electronically on the Focus IN CD website. We also invited all the participants to visit our web site.