It was a CeliVIta 5 th birthday, that we celebrated with the education and dissemination event. Society representative gave an
introduction speech and presented the development and achievements of the small CeliVita society, which has 183 members from the
region and performs a lot of activities. Jernej Dolinšek presented e-tools for patients and new ESPGHAN celiac disease guidelines as well
as a part of celiac disease management assessment results (diagnostic delays). A CD management model was presented to participants.
LP representative Jasmina Dolinšek gave an overview of pilot activity “Mentoring service for newly diagnosed patients”, PP6
representative Marina Milinovič gave a lecture about their pilot activity “Rapid testing of school children Primorsko-goranska county”.
Goran Palčevski held a lecture about celiac disease management assessment results (HCPs knowledge in Croatia).
We presented the project activities to small celiac society CeliVita from Zagreb as well as to regional HCPs dealing with celiac disease,
promoted the e-tools for patients and HCPs, presented the pilot activities of both societies and hospitals – rapid testing, mentoring
service for newly diagnosed patients as well as new CD diagnostic methods, new approaches and innovative comprehensive CD
management model, which will be presented to Ministries as a policy recommendation paper. Zagreb “partners” will use and spread our
achievements, which will assure sustainability and transferability.
We established a long-term cooperation.