Target public event in GOSPIĆ
Cultural Information Center Gospić and Club "Tuesdays for Health", which informs the public about various health problems and preventive programs, invited the Croatian Celiac Society to inform citizens about celiac disease and FOCUS IN CD project.
Presenters were Marina Milinović and Marijana Smoljan, who exposed celiac disease topics, today’s patient needs and expectations, gluten influence and digestive system difficulties. General public was informed about Focus in CD project, its main goals and achievements and also about the pilot activity and efforts to test the general children's population on celiac disease.
"Raising awareness and a public discussion about programs which are able to prevent many other health complications are important factors, that will help to establish an effective health system", were the topics stressed in closing words.
After lectures a gluten free backing workshop was organized. Society members prepared gluten free bread for public degustation.