Mid-term review of pilots and study visit in Cuneo
13-15 October 2020, Cuneo city (Italy)
Project partners from ForHeritage project have met in Cuneo (Italy) to conduct the mid-term review of the pilots. It was a hybrid event happening both online and onsite with the participation of the Joint Secretariat from the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE programme.
The presentations were related to the progress in four pilot sites:
• The Palazzo Santa Croce in Cuneo, Italy
• The Benčić Complex in Rijeka, Croatia
• The Vodnik Homestead in Ljubljana, Slovenia
• The Pomeranian Dukes' Castle in Szczecin, Poland
Each presentation followed by feedback and agreement on follow-up measures. Moreover, project partners are starting to work on regional models which will learn from the experience of local implementation through pilots.
During the visit, project partners had the opportunity to visit Cuneo, a picturesque historic city in Piedmont region, situated at the confluence of two rivers and surrounded by mountains. The city has plenty of bars, cafés, restaurants and small shops with local specialties, which make it really charming.