Online webinar in Italian language: 
"New perspectives of public-private partnership for the management of cultural heritage"

4th of May 2022, Italy

Wednesday 4th May will be a challenging day for the Italian partners of the ForHeritage project: the municipality of Cuneo and Finpiemonte SpA will dedicate the entire morning, with the support of high level experts and national case studies, to discuss and learn more about public-private partnership applied to the management of cultural heritage sites.

The meeting will open with a national dissemination workshop, in which the results of the project and the pilot actions will be presented to the Italian public.

Two training workshops will then follow, respectively addressed to local public bodies in the Piedmont area, and to public and private organizations of the extra-regional and national panorama. 

The appointment is for May 4th from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

All workshops will take place online.

Registration is needed at: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/registrazione-forheritage-nuove-prospettive-di-partenariato-pubblico-privato-319496351187