Fourth Steering Group Meeting Minutes
The fourth STEERING GROUP MEETING of CerDee was held on 14 and 15 of June 2021. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, the meeting needed to be switched again to an online meeting. In which 22 persons from all partners, the Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche (MIC) in Faenza (IT), Muzeum Ceramiki w Bolesławcu (PL), New Design University St. Pölten (AU), Narodni Muzej Slovenije (NMS) in Ljubljana (SI), Porzellanikon–Staatliches Museum für Porzellan in Hohenberg a.d. Eger/Selb (DE), Technical University Ilmenau (DE), Západočeská univerzita (UWB) v Plzni (CZ) and Zavod zu turizem in kultro Kranjas (ZTKK) in Kranj (SI) as well as two representatives of the University of Primorska took part.

This time we started the meeting with WP3 by MIC. Claudia Casali presented the first document of proposals for training materials. The handbook ‘How to set up a business in ceramic’ is finished for Italian case and therefore from the other partners’ input is desired, too. 3 video tutorials were created and are available on the MIC YouTube channel. Also an e-book was created ‘Shapes and Decoration from the Italian Ceramic Tradition’ by MIC and ISIA University, which is open for adaption of other partners’ ceramic tradition. In reference to long term agreements with hosting residencies two agreements signed, one with FACC (Faenza Art Ceramic Center) and the other one with National Museum, Pottery Atelier of NMS. She announced the next summer school hold by Petra Wieser from NDU in Faenza, which take place from August 24th to August 28th 2021. She asked the partners to send one participant from each region to Italy, to take part. Also the next ceramic course for entrepreneurs is arranged for October 2021. All partners look forward to the events and are optimistic, that we will meet the target of this deliverable, despite the situation of the pandemic. Regarding the Business Angel Concept, a discussion came up and needs to clarified again with all partners. The movie competition is official and available on the website, see here. The MIC asked all partners to promote this contest, to gather a lot of material for the project.
Ms Dziwetzki also welcoming the partners later on, with some motivational words to everybody, for the constructive and hard work in the last period. Especially for the mid-term review a lot of work was done. The financial concept is almost ready and hopefully will get approved soon. Nevertheless, a lot of workshops and events have to be cancelled again, the partners considered several online alternatives. As the project is starting now in the final phase she again motivates everybody to stay tuned and help to get the project finished in a professional way.
In the afternoon Nigar Zahan gave an update on the communication strategy. The achievement of overall collaborations, which is 76%, thus 11% higher than PP3. She again motivates all partners to share the website, whenever it is possible and always set a link on social media posts to the website. To increase the traffic, some strategies were proposed and discussed. Also she asked the partners for future meetings to share every meeting minutes with all partners, so everybody is up-to-date for ongoing deliverables. For the next project period the target of 3 press releases had to be fulfilled. The mid-term brochure of CerDee is published and soon it will be produced a video brochure out of it for social media channels.

UWB informed the other partners, that the transnational status quo report of creative industry is created and published here: The actualization plan is set for updating the stakeholder database on the website. For the future all partners should look into best practice examples in reaction to COVID-19 situation. Out of this a specific survey will be set up on consumer behavior relating to the pandemic. Afterwards some examples of the best practices of all partners has been presented and discussed. Further task will be to search again for outstanding best practice examples and to create a new survey out of it.
In WPT4 it has been decided to talk about the transnational marketing in the next weeks. Furthermore, the concept of the Porcelain Fair in Hohenberg a. d. Eger has been introduced. This market will be a complete new concept of a market and hopefully will run smoothly, to integrate the market as a yearly concept. Also it was talked about the Co-Working Spaces and it has been announced that the former Rosenthal design studios will be no option, anymore. For this reason, an alternative had to be found, therefore it will be set-up a ‘digital maker space’ at Porzellanikon, Selb. A concept had to be worked out for it. Relating e-Commerce, a start-up company taking into account the programming of the platform. Therefore, a tender need to be requested and the conditions need to be set up.

On the second day in the afternoon WP2 were presented. Saša Rudolf announced that 4 out of 10 deliverables are finished. The virtual library of skills was presented by Nigar Zahan. She explained the structure of the library. The big challenge for all partners will be the copyright issues which will aspect with the platform. Different options regarding the copyright solutions have been considered and discussed and in the next months a decision of all partners have to be set. Also it has been talked about the production of new films about skills. Mojca Mikoličgave the partners an insight on 360° spins, how it works and reminds on the manual, which is available on the could.
The general management update was shortly presented. The last dates and deadlines were discussed until the end of the project. The last online steering group meeting was scheduled for November.