Front-Desk-Training to local operators, Lublin, Poland
14th December 2018, Lublin - Marshal Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship
The workshop took place on 14/12/2018 in project partner Marshal Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship in Lublin premises in Lublin. It was attended by 24 representatives of organizations that are responsible for development of energy plans and/or financial instruments, including 4 Marshal Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship in Lublin staff members. The meeting opened Bogdan Kawałko (Head of Department of Regional Policy, Marshal Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship in Lublin). Ms. Grażyna Gilewicz (Regional Office of Energy, Marshal Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship in Lublin) made an introduction to the FIRECE project. Participants were informed about FIRECE project and its activities with particular focus on goals and assumptions of the project and events. Next, Ms. Magdalena Rzemieniak (Expert of FIRECE project) informed about training activities of the FIRECE project (presentation of the training course structure, and presentation of the most interesting information from the course). The training course was described and selected training modules demonstrated in the on-line e-learning system ( Ms Magdalena Rzemieniak gave examples of financial instruments, which are used in project partner countries and regions. In particular, funds existing in Emilia Romagna Region (IT), Burgerland (AT) and Praha Region (CZ), were discussed. During the workshops, work teams were analyzed in various case studies. The participants considered options for adapting financial instruments in the Lubelskie Voivodeship and in Poland. The best practice was considered examples of financial instruments from the Czech Republic. During the workshop, the participants discussed possibilities of wider use of financial instruments to support energy efficiency projects in Lubelskie Voivodeship and in around Poland. It was concluded that financial instruments will definitely play a more important role in the next programming period. However as they provide a lower support compared to grants, an administrative burden of their operation have to be decreased for companies. A competition between grants and financial instruments must be avoided.