European Shallow Geothermal Energy Days in Brussels
24.-25. 9. 2019
Strengthening shallow geothermal energy for a clean heating and cooling supply in Europe!
The European Shallow Geothermal Energy Days aimed at connecting policy makers to scientists and professionals, to promote and discuss opportunities for boosting this technology in the upcoming decade. This event represents a new format introduced by the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC), the Renewable Heating and Cooling Platform (RHC-ETIP) and the Interreg Central Europe project GeoPLASMA-CE.
The first day focused on policy issues related to the use of shallow geothermal in the light of the Clean energy for all Europeans package.
The first session covered four keynote speakers addressing the current markets in Europe, energy policies in the upcoming decade and measures to support shallow geothermal in Europe. The second session included a panel discussion on the expected and possible future role of shallow geothermal energy in the “Clean Energy for all Europeans initiative” addressing the following main questions: “What contribution can shallow geothermal make to decarbonize the heating and cooling sector in Europe and which non-technological hurdles need to be removed?” During a vital discussion, the participants agreed that the mentioned non-technological hurdles are relevant and need to be addressed in the next years. Efforts on both, European commission and Member States level should include a simplification of licensing procedures for small scale installations, the promotion of innovative and good practice solutions, especially linked to public buildings and measures to foster an expansion of the service sector linked to the installation and use of shallow geothermal. The final session of day 1 addressed good practices and innovative solutions of shallow geothermal use in Europe.

Panel discussion on the expected and possible future role of shallow geothermal energy in the “Clean Energy for all Europeans initiative”

R. Grimm presenting good practice examples on shallow geothermal use in large volume buildings in Germany
The second day was dedicated to discussing the upcoming Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for geothermal heating & cooling. The event was concluded by a round table discussion “Towards a new agenda and implementation roadmap to 2030 for research and innovation in shallow geothermal heating and cooling”. Due to the great success of the first European Shallow Geothermal Energy Days, the European Geothermal Energy Council is considering the set-up of annual follow-up Shallow Geothermal Energy Events in the future.
All presentations are available at