Girls’Day at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Girls from all grades of school received insights into apprenticeship and
study programs in the field of technology, IT and natural sciences in the frame of the
Girls’Day on the 28 th of March 2019. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) participated in
this nationwide campaign for the 17 th time. In total, more than 400 schoolgirls from all types
of schools received exciting insights into the world of technical and scientific study and
training opportunities at KIT. The Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI) at
KIT offered workplace visits of 3D printing labs and the opportunity for the girls to create
their first own 3D printed parts.
The Girls’Day is a nationwide event in Germany, which is coordinated by the Competence
Centre Technology, Diversity, Equal Chances and supported by the Federal Ministry of
Education and Research.