Two regional workshops focused on “Spatial development and land use vs. potential threats to the mineral and thermal water resources in the Polish health resorts”
The events were held on 23rd and 24th of September in Lądek-Zdrój and Polanica-Zdrój. These two SPA municipalities are Polish pilot actions areas under the HealingPlaces project..
The aim of the workshop was to discuss issues related to the protection of thermal and mineral water in the context of planning and spatial development. The workshop was organized within HealingPlaces project, implemented under Interreg Central Europe programme, by Institute of Territorial Development (IRT) from Wrocław with cooperation of Central Mining Institute (GIG) and Lądek Zdrój and Polanica-Zdrój representatives respectively.
The workshop was attended by stakeholders in the tourism and spa market, such as representatives of the Town and Commune Office of Lądek-Zdrój, the Municipal Office of Polanica Zdrój and the County Office in Kłodzko, Uzdrowisko Lądek-Długopole S.A.,The Klodzko Health Resorts, Lower Silesia SPA cluster, Gory Stolowe National Park, Wrocław University of Technology and social activists such as Spacerowa 7 Foundation, Kłodzka Wstęga Sudetów, Towarzystwo Miłośników Polanicy, Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Doliny Białej Lądeckiej "Kruszynka" and Stowarzyszenie Gmin Ziemi Kłodzkiej.
Both workshops became a space for diagnosing threats to mineral and thermal water resources and discussing the possible proposals for changing the approach and awareness in planning the development of spa communities. Legal, spatial, geological & hydrogeological aspects highlighted during the workshops provided a basis for identification of necessary initiatives and system changes towards sustainable water resources management in health resort areas.An important aspect of the workshop was also a discussion on the current capabilities and results of the excel-based tool estimating environmental pressures related to the development of health resort communities, which is one of the project results. Methodological basis, logic of operation and results for the analyzed health resorts were discussed in depth. As a result of detailed analysis of the obtained results, additional facilities for its future users were recommended in order to adjust to the specifics of health resorts.
Polish project team from IRT and GIG would like to give big thanks to the Mayor of Lądek Zdrój - Mr. Roman Kaczmarczyk and Mayor of Polanica-Zdrój - Mr. Mateusz Jellin for their hospitality and kindness.