4th project partners' meeting online
The 4th partners meeting of HealingPlaces project was also held online on 23-24.09.2020. During the two days event on the first day project partners discussed project tasks, administrative issues, further actions. Special attention was on the progress of the regional pilot actions (read more about them on the Pilot Actions section on the website).

The second day of the event was dedicated to the meetign of the Monotoring and Advisory Board. HealingPlaces Monitoring and Advisory Board (MAB) is the highest project controlling body, consists of representatives of 10 Project Partners and 5 Associated Partners each holding one vote. General task is to take notice of the project progress, monitor qualitiy of regional activities and in case of severe crisis/conflicts take strategic decisions binding for the partnership. This was the 2nd meeting of the MAB during the project lifetime. During the meeting the MAB memebers were informed about the project general progress and each work package leader presented in detail the activities of their work package and future tasks.

The next partners' meeting is scheduled for spring 2021.