Can foreign experience help Czech spas to develop?
During the meeting on 15.09.2020 employees of the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies of Mendel University in Brno, the Department of Water Protection of the Główny Instytut Górnictwa in Katowice, Poland, KOCMAN envimonitoring s.r.o., and representatives of the state enterprise Horské lázně Karlova Studánka discussed about the possibilities of sustainable development of spas, innovative technologies and socio-economic aspects at a joint workshop organized by Czech partner Mendel University.

However, the seminar dealt mainly with the issue of the use of spa waters, which now drain uselessly after treatment procedures with a temperature of about 32 degree of Celsius. Polish colleagues presented the outputs of the LOCAL project, demonstrating the technical possibilities of using this water for heat recovery and its further use, eg for heating, on the example of the Central England region. The workshop also included an excursion through the technical background of balneo operation and a discussion with the spa's balneo technician, Ing. Kocman.

The HealingPlaces project brings together partners from seven Central European countries to improve environmental management for the protection and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources. Within the Czech Republic, the researcher is Mendel University and the model area is the Jeseniky spa.