Participation on workshop ESPON CC in tourism - development of methodology of carrying capacity
On 3rd of September 2020 project partmer Razvojni center Novo mesto attended a workshop ESPON CC in tourism - development of methodology on the topic of development of a methodology for the carrying capacity of the destination under the ESPON 2020 programme, which aims to promote the European territorial dimension in development and cooperation by providing evidence, knowledge transfer and policy learning for public authorities and other actors at all levels. The workshop was targeted for local and regional representatives of the Goriška region and representatives of the Community of Municipalities of Slovenia. It was moderated by the Austrian company ÖIR, which operates in the field of spatial planning and has experience accross the European Union and wider, with the support of the Modul University from Vienna.
At the event, we were introduced to introductory materials, which include an analysis of the situation and possible scenarios of tourism development in the area, based on the exploitation of endogenous potentials of the tourist destination. The main topics of the presentations and discussion were how to understand the space and activities that shape it. Among others, two highlights were noted: understanding the space and its activity, and definition of indicators for monitoring the situation. New tools for monitoring tourist flows were presented, such as applications of the OpenStreetMap tool (points of interest) and hotspot tracking which results from posts on social networks. Participants highlighted the “local gourmet” product, which promotes plastic-free events. At the closure the round table focused on the identification of infrastructure, tourism products and incentives for tourists that could contribute more comprehensively to the development of a tourist destination in wider Goriška region. The event also highlighted the cross-border aspect of tourist flows, which was analysed in the pilot area within the selected EGTC. The event's content (especially tools and methods) will contribute to the formulation of the Strategy for sustainable management of thermal water in the region Jugovzhodna Slovenija, which is one of the results of the HealingPlaces project and support the ways of stakeholder involvement.