HealingPlace project consists of three different work packages:

  • WPT1 “Environmental Mapping and Assessment” has the goal to develop common tools for an integrated assessment of present-day and expected threats and pressures on mineral and thermal water resources in SPAs. Another WPT1 results have been the state-of-art assessment concerning legal status and environmental and socio-economic aspects of SPAs development. It has developed also a common methodology and ranking criteria for assessment of impact strength on mineral and thermal water resources.
  • WPT2 is focused on the practical implementation of sustainable thermal water use in SPAs, throughout the development and implementation of different pilot actions on SPAs system located in the different regional territory of PPs. The main objective of WP2 is the practical implementation of sustainable thermal water use in SPA-regions, understood primarily as ensuring effective & rational use of identified resources & protection of ecosystems while realizing social & economic functions.
  • Finally, WPT3, starting from the WPT1 tools and from the Pilot Actions implemented in the WPT2, aims to provide an Integrated Strategy for Sustainable Management of SPAs system.

The REPORT ON EVALUATION OF PILOT ACTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS  is a part of WPT2 and is intended to evaluate the development and the implementation of the pilot actions in the various countries and to summarize recommendations for WPT3.