Heavy Rain Risk Check in Graz
How well prepared is Graz for heavy rain events? To answer this question a two-day workshop took place in our pilot region Graz.
Experts and local stakeholders from various disciplines discussed strengths and weaknesses of heavy rain risk prevention in Graz and identified current needs for action. For reducing heavy rain risks, measures in different thematic fields need to be addressed.
The participants focussed their discussion on the following areas of activity:
- precautionary land use
- natural water retention
- building precaution
- precautionary information
- behavioural precaution
- local emergency response
- risk prevention
During the press conference responsible political representatives of the Styrian Government and the City of Graz, as well as participants informed about the aim of the workshop and gave first insights to the status of heavy rain risk prevention in Graz. Different local newspapers reported on the workshop and the information given during the press conference which again raised the awareness for the need of heavy rain risk reduction and the importance of the RAINMAN project.

© Land Steiermark / Lebensressort