Graz meeting WPT 1
18-19 of September 2019, Graz, Austria
During the second project meeting in Graz Austria project partners were hosted by the Geriatric Health Centers of the City of Graz (GGZ), the Department of Women and Equality at the City of Graz and NOWA. The main aim of the project meeting was to elaborate on the common methodologies to be implemented by all the partners within the Work Package 1.
- Partners established 3 Transnational Working Groups:
- 1)Senior Engagement ;
- 2)Business Engagement;
- 3)Co-Creation & Open Innovation.
- Its members will conduct regional analyses using various methods in order to gather the experience of seniors, experts working with elderly people and business actors. The study is designed to map existing connections of different stakeholders and co-create cooperation mechanisms to facilitate innovation.
The session was opened by Mr Christian Schultz from HWTK who explained the Joint Guidelines – created within the project. MS Valentina Pettinger from NOWA presented the “Concept paper for elaborating the toolbox for senior engagement”. Ms Barbara Mazzarino from SI4Life presented the “Concept paper for elaborating the toolbox for business engagement” and talked about the purpose of this document as well as the proposed methodology.
The partners agreed on the common methodology and tools to be used while carrying out the regional analysis in their regions.
The second day of the project meeting was devoted to the Steering Committee Meeting and project reporting, as well as plans for the second semester of project implementation.