ICT Technology Network Institute
ICT TN Institute is a private cluster organization, which has a leading role in creation of innovation environment in Slovenia in the field of ICT and emerging industries. ICT TN Institute represents a triple helix structure encouraging collaboration of companies, R&D and academia and public sector. There is also a permanent communication with public sector. ICT TN Institute is playing a very active role in implementation of Slovenian Smart Specialization Strategy, in particular in activities and projects related to innovation. One of the ICT TN Institute strategic aims is to encourage joint projects focused on development of innovative solutions and products. ICT TN Institute is focusing especially on the demonstration and pilot projects.
Experiences in PPI
ICT TN Institute has a thematic competences and experiences. The organisation is an innovation leader encouraging permanent public dialogue in terms of developing new ways, models and instruments to support innovation in Slovenia including PPI and PcP (it has excellent position in Slovenia to inspire other organizations to adopt innovations). ICT TN Institute has also many practical experiences with development and operation of Competence centres that support new models of innovation. Such references are Competence centre on IoT (Internet of Things) and Centre of Excellence for broadband on rural areas (it is able to use this experience in setting up local Competence centre as well as share its past experience with other international partners at setting up Competence Centres). ICT TN Institute has experiences in PPI as the organisation was also a partner in PPP4Broadband project where ICT TN Institute was responsible for a PPP (Public private partnership) models development as well as for the implementation of the pilot action in Slovenia. ICT TN Institute has excellent network partners. Our members are many Slovenian SME’s and R&D institutions developing innovative solutions which might be included in PPI and PcP Pilots implementation. ICT TN Institute has been very actively involved in a creation of a network of partners in PPI2Innovate related area.
Partner role in the project PPI2Innovate
ICT TN Institute will be the leader of the thematic WP3 dealing with 4 PPI Pilots using developed PPI2Innovate Tool and Network and will also be a regular network project member responsible for operating of Competence Centre in Slovenia. ICT TN Institute is going to capitalize its experience from similar projects since the organisation is already running Competence Centre on IoT (Internet of Things) as well as actively participate in implementation of Slovenian RIS3. ICT TN Institute was also a partner in PPP4Broadband project where ICT TN Institute was responsible for a PPP models development as well as for the implementation of the pilot action in Slovenia. In PPI2Innovate ICT TN Institute will create a map of their region where 8 implementable PPI projects will be identified. One PPI project will be identified to be realized as a pilot with dual piloting partner. In co-operation with other project partners ICT TN Institute will create an Action plan for their Competence Centre. Together with other project partners ICT TN Institute will participate in pilot projects with their support and do transnational monitoring and evaluation of the pilot projects together with study visits. This will provide to the evaluators a clear picture of the selected testing areas which means that Competence centres will possess practical experience from completing 4 PPI projects representing all levels and will be able to provide more sophisticated support of PPI paradigm. ICT TN Institute will support whole partnership and provide them with mutual exchange of knowledge and experience and guidance and they expect their influence to increase because of participation in PPI2Innovate project. PPI and PcP can improve competitiveness and innovation possibilities of ICT TN Institute member organizations. The project can improve public sector effectiveness through more effective models of public investments of innovative services and solutions, which is also in accordance with ICT TN Institute mission.