INTENT Steering Group Meeting in Budapest
The meeting was hosted by the Hungarian National Institute of Oncology (NIO). The consortium was welcomed by the NIO's Deputy Director General, dr. Zoltán Takácsi-Nagy, as well dr. Orsolya Pacsay-Tomassich, Madame State Secretary for International Affairs at Ministry of Human Capacities. Dr. Pacsay-Tomassich shared with us some thoughts on approches to cancer care, which are available on the following link (click).
An important task within the INTENT project has been completed recently. Namely, INTENT partners carried out an extensive cross national survey designed to provide key information as input for the drafting of a patient-centred cancer care model. More than 1000 patients, 900 caregivers and several tens of care-providers, such as medical staff, hospital management and policy makers were involved in the survey. Analyses revealed interesting results regarding stakeholders' expectations from the patient-centerd cancer care. We expect the overall results to be available and published within next months. Other project tasks are still in progress and will be carried out according to schedule.