For a friendlier intergenerational community – how to turn the demographic challenges of rural and urban areas into opportunities

In the beginning of September (2.09.2020) Slovenian partners organized the 4th focus group. As our focus lately was on promotion of the SIH and its implementation we have been in contact with many communities. This event was dedicated towards bringing together stakeholders from the national, regional and local level thus to explore the potentials for creation of social businesses and social initiatives addressing the ageing challenges in the Podravje region.


The invited guests firstly discussed about the current needs, challenges as well as potentials and existing and expected measures that can be used in introducing new solutions to both the urban and rural areas. 

Participants concluded that effective addressing of ageing challenges includes social innovation and social economy in Slovenia including (among others) systemic solutions for the support environment for social entrepreneurship and more intense support from the municipalities. Good practices are notable; however the supporting environment and specialised financing is still lacking in comparison to regular business environment.