Landscape Park Strunjan - in the company of children at the CEETO Protected Areas Open Day
June 14th, Strunjan, Slovenia – In the framework of CEETO Protected Areas Open Day, the Public Institute Landscape Park Strunjan organized a press conference in cooperation with the Community of Natural Parks of Slovenia and invited 60 children and their mentors to participate in an educational workshop entitled “How to protect wetlands.”
The Public Institute Landscape Park Strunjan held its CEETO Protected Areas Open Day on June 14, 2019, with the organisation of a press conference with the exhibition "Water circle of Parks". The main point of the press conference was to summarize the activities and goals of the CEETO project and to present the 5-year Sustainable Tourism Action Plan.

Press Conference - Photo by Landscape Park Strunjan
Sixty school pupils from local elementary schools, who participated in online quiz and exhibition, were awarded with symbolic prizes and CEETO promotional items. Through the online quiz, they were able to solve the tasks and explore 14 Natural Parks, their natural and cultural features. This year's quiz was thematically colored, because the red thread of all tasks was the water circle of parks. The exhibition prepared by pupils at the end showed the most interesting inhabitants of aquatic ecosystems of protected areas. The materials used by the children were recycled.

Planting authoctonus plants - Photo by Landscape Park Strunjan
The ceremony was followed by an educational workshop entitled “How to protect wetlands” in which Landscape park Strunjan and its wetlands were presented, together with activities such as bird watching and planting of autochthonous plant species which serve as protective barrierr for birds. After the press conference, a lecture for representatives of protected areas entitled “School of geology, active and fun to knowledge” was given.
About Landscape Park Strunjan
To know more about this park, you can visit the Landscape Park Strunjan webpage and watch the short video presenting the natural and tourisitc values of the park, as well as the main challenges it is facing regarding tourims management and how they will be tackled through the implementation of CEETO project.

Watch Landscape Park Strunjan video teaser online.