5th Partnership Meeting

15-17 October, Sisak (Croatia) & Kranj (Slovenia)

The Partnership meets for the last time before the final event in April 2019.  It will be an interesting programme where partners have the chance to present and discuss the first implementation results.


15 October 2018 - Sisak

10.00-12.30 : Pre-meeting Study Tour "Visiting company applied Ceramics and entrepreneurial incubator PISAK"
13.00-14.00: Lunch 
14.00-14.30: Welcoming

14.30-16.00: Progress Communication

  • Travelling caravan
  • National dissemination events
  • Preparing final conference
  • Movie on Industrial Culture
  • Transnational Argumentation Brochure
16.00-16.30: Break

16.30-18.00: Progress WP T1

  • Regional strategies / final action plans
  • Transnational strategy discussion
  • Preparing CE network of coordinators
  • Mapping Tool (T2)

16 October 2018 (Sisak)

9.00-10.00: Parallel work group sessions T2 / T3 / T4

10.15-13.15: Carousel (partners presenting selected T2-T4 results in parallel sessions)

13.15-14.30: Lunch
14.30-16.30: Partner coordinators: 5th Steering Committeee meeting
14.30-16.30: Other participants: study/city tour offer
17.00-20.00: Transfer to Kranj (Slovenia)

17 October 2018 (Kranj)

09.00-17.00: Postmeeting study tour offer "Elan factory + Creative hub in Skofja Loka and Ladmark of shoe industry Trzic
19.00: Farewell dinner