KET InfoDays - Zabrze

GAPR prepared KETGATE Info Days linked up with XVI Conference on Medical Robots held in Zabrze on December 7th. The conference was organized by the International Society for Medical Robotics. Originally the conference organized in Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development was inspired by the group of scientists and constructors of Polish surgical robot called Robin Heart. The project launched in 2000 included open conferences assessing the progress of works and gave the directions for numerous practical applications. In response to a broad interest among representatives of science, medicine and the media, the scope of this annual meeting of research workers, designers, constructors and users of robots covered all robotized equipment used in medicine.

KETGATE Info Days discussion panel started with KETGATE Project presentation prepared by Izabela Czeremcha, Project Content Manager. KETGATE Points working model and its services were presented as well. Prof. Zbigniew Nawrat had a presentation about RTO-SME cooperation on behalf of Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development, KETGATE Project Associated Partner. Other SME representatives were presenting examples of cooperation foreign institutions. During all the conference day, GAPR representatives were available for discussion with everyone interested in the project or KETGATE Points.


Credit: M.Jakubowski (Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development)