Handbook I 2020
InnoPeer AVM partners took a lot of effort related to the education of SMEs connected to digitalization and Industry 4.0 in the last 4 years.
The results of these efforts had been summarized in the InnoPeer AVM Handbook.
What is the main content of the handbook:
1. A detailed description of the qualification program which enables the exchange and cooperation of companies within and between project regions as well as the networking with experts in the fields of AVM technologies, HRM, and organizational design as well as business model development. Furthermore, this training program offers participants the opportunity to analyze their companies’ own AVM competences in these areas an to further develop their skills in the course of the trainings.
2. Description of the 4 knowledge dimensions because InnoPeer AVM aims at providing a comprehensive and interdisciplinary qualification program that encompasses the mentioned knowledge dimensions.
3. The compilation of various case studies which is an essential part of the InnoPeer AVM training program. Precisely, based on an analysis of the potentials of local SMEs and lead companies their need for AVM-specific qualification and support for getting involved in AVM-related value chains real-life and problem-based case studies (i.e. use cases, teaching cases and the CE Mega Case have been developed in the respective knowledge dimensions.
4. Regional action plans which are presenting an elaborated set of proposed innovation support actions for each of the project partner regions to ensure a sustainable transfer of the InnoPeer AVM project results into the regional innovation ecosystems of CE partner countries.
Click to the photo to read the Handbook