Alternative fuel vehicle concepts and operations on rail and road
Deliverable Report
Developing innovative solutions for transshipment nodes is risky and ressource-intensive.
Therefore, the six demonstrators Venice Port Authority, BEHALA, Rostock Port, Interporto Bologna SpA, Budapest Dock Szabadkikötő and Port of Koper (Luka Koper) are testing different innovations for InterGreen-Nodes.
In order to generate the technical and process solutions for terminals and last mile transport and to make the success measurable, the Research Group Transport Logistics of the Technische Hochschule Wildau developed common processes and structures.
As a result, a very interesting report was developed with concepts for the operation of alternative fuel vehicles on road and rail.
The report is based on a comprehensive market analysis of the ports' expectations for green fuel vehicles. The focus is on battery electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, as these types of propulsion promise very high CO2 savings potential, but at the same time present the greatest challenges, as performance data must be translated into technical requirements for which little experience is available.
A report worth reading with practical relevance! ➡ Report here