Kick-off Meeting in Dresden, Germany
On 22nd June 2017 the kick-off of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE project TRANS-BORDERS took place at the premises of our Lead-Partner, the Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport. All nine partner organisations participated at this meeting: The Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport (DE), Office of the Carinthian Government Department 7 Competence Center of economic law and infrastructure (AT), Marshal`s Office of Lower Silesia (PL), KORID LK, spol. s r.o. (CZ), Transport Association Upper Lusatia/Lower Silesia (DE), Municipality of Boleslawiec (PL), Transport Association Carinthia (AT), Regional Development Agency for Koroška region (SI) and the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SI).

TRANS-BORDER tackles the Central Europe common challenge of improving accessibility from peripheral crossborder areas to achieve sustain economic growth, cohesion and environment friendly mobility. The aim is to reach an innovative approach for passenger transport within peripheral areas, to ensure accessibility through improved links to the closest TEN-T nodes abroad.
This one-day meeting was mainly aimed at getting to know the project partners and regions. Initial information about the project organization and the joint implementation were exchanged and the further management procedures were discussed.