LAirA Video: Smart and Sustainable Mobility

LAirA project’s goal is to reduce the energy use and the negative environmental impact of transport activities in urban centres and their hinterlands by provoking a change in the mobility behaviour of passengers and employees of airports.

At policy-level, the LAirA project developed 7 thematic action plans: electric mobility, air-rail links, soft mobility (walking and cycling), shared mobility, intelligent transport systems (ITS), wayfinding, and road-based public transport. At community-level, LAirA built a transnational transferrable tools for low carbon mobility management and journey planning. Thanks to these actions, the LAirA project aims to introduce alternative low carbon transport modes in mobility planning and to change mobility behaviour.  

To get more information about what the LAirA project does in terms of smart and sustainable mobility, please check the video below.

LAirA video in a nutshell