Latest researches of ZRC SAZU in the field of cultural heritage

Author: Jasna Fakin Bajec, ZRC SAZU

ZRC SAZU as a knowledge provider partner organised a competence development training (on 26
October 2017 in Ljubljana), where partners and their cultural drivers reflected on values of St.
Martin, their connection to the contemporary needs as well as with sustainable strategies linked to
the smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe. Researchers also established connections with
the members of the Cultural centre of St. Martin Tours from Slovenia, who carries on the Slovenian
part of the Via Sancti Martini.

In the second training, the ZRC SAZU researchers presented to partners
the UNESCO’s Convention for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage and how to inscribe the
heritage element on the List of intangible cultural heritage for humanity. The wish of LP and ZRC
SAZU is to inscribe St. Martin’s heritage on this Unesco’s list. Besides, researchers also prepared EU-
level Benchmark study, which presents current innovative and participatory trends in the field of CH
valorisation and sustainable utilisation. Some of the findings from the Benchmark study were
presented in two conferences: in the Interpret Europe conference, titled Heritage and Identity,
organised in Kőszeg, Hungary from 23-26 March 2018 and in the International conference titled
Intangible cultural heritage between practice and register, organised 24-26 May 2018 in Mojstrana
(Slovenia). Some of the findings from the Benchmark Study were presented in the scientific article
titled “Ways of interpreting Saint Martin’s heritage for more social unity and understanding among
Europe’s citizens”, prepared by Jasna Fakin Bajec published in the Interpret Europe, Conference 2018
– Proceedings, March 2018 (look: http://www.interpret-

Since the ZRC SAZU teamwill prepare Community-sourced cultural heritage valorisation Model, the researchers already have
started to work on different theoretical and practical concepts connected with the cultural creative
industry, cultural rights, new communication technologies, ways of involving the youths and SMEs in
heritage practices, etc. They also took some interviews with the young people (at 18 years of age)
from Slovenia to find out how they understand heritage, how heritage is interpreted in different
school subjects in Slovenia, how they will make heritage more attractive, etc.