Innovative models for employment of disadvantaged people

The goals of this project, coordinated and implemented by the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the involvement of external experts, are:
1. Developing innovative "business models" for the employment of disadvantaged people, identifying and activating stakeholders and sponsors relevant to the model;
2. Strengthening the social innovation activities of organizations focusing on the employment of disadvantaged people (social enterprises) and familiarize the affected organizations with the methodology of social impact measurement.
Based on that, a social impact measurement template was developed, which helped the organizations to be involved later in developing their employment-focused social impact measurement system. The results of social impact measurement are integrated and adapted into coaching and mentoring processes.
10 social enterprises were selected for the development workshops held throughout December 2019 to February 2020. In addition to the impact measurement tool and methodology, our Hungarian partners have organized a workshop to explain them how to participate in the mentoring / coaching process online and offline. Mentoring was done by combining a 10-hour mentoring protocol and documentation standards with 10 hours of coaching workshops.
The resulting impact assessment study was done analyzing the precedents and processes during the pilot, the characteristics of target groups and stakeholders, the selection of participants, methods, effects and correlation of participation between programme participants and control groups by using quantifiable data as well as factors affecting adaptability of those methods.

Budapesti Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara (BKIK)
IFKA Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.