Learning by doing
The aim of the Slovenian pilot is to test the model for active change-making and to use and evaluate the tools used during the process, targeting different groups of stakeholders with a special focus to empower them in finding change making solutions.
In the first stage of the pilot several creative sessions were organised in different regions of Slovenia in order to make problems in communities visible and tangible. During these events various social challenges were identified and researched.
The second phase instead, focused on researching the answers to the problems previously defined. In order to find innovative solutions, creative thinking methods were used with different groups (students, elderly, rural stakeholders, etc.) in the framework of workshops.
Thanks to online voting the idea of bringing the gardens into kindergartens won:»growing in the kindergarten «.
In January the winning idea owners started with preparations to realize their project.
The aim of the project is to increase environmental awareness among the youngest people who are the foundation of our society. Planet greening is the simplest and most effective solution to calming down human-caused environmental changes. This Pilot activity should stimulate kindergartens to take more active action to preserve Slovenia green and raise environmental awareness.
Because of the COVID crisis and related measures, the kindergartens in Slovenia are closed since 16th March until further notice, which prevents the implementation of any activities related with kindergartens. But we remain active and in the meantime the brochure on why and how to bring gardens into kindergartens is being prepared!
As soon as it will be possible, vertical gardens will be installed in a kindergarten in the city of Maribor.
Skupnost občin Slovenije