Second local seminar in Koper, Slovenia

29. 11. 2018

A local seminar was organized at the end of November 2018 in Koper, Slovenia, with participation of the project's partner from Vienna as well. The seminar hosted different stakeholders responsible for mobility planning and transport management in the FUA. Through the presentation of the project activities and instructions by VUT representative, we managed to guide the discussion in a way of “how to improve” public transport accessibility. Participants also had a chance to exchange examples of best practices between municipalities, and rethink the approach of planning inter-urban connections. They were also introduced with materials prepared during the SMART COMMUTING project analysis phase, and got better insight of statistical data related to commuter mobility. Measures to be included in the overall FUA SUMP process were discussed, and the results of the SWOT analysis were presented as well. The conclusions of the seminar could be addressed on different levels of administrative territories.

Workshop session