
Transport Development Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia (2015)
- Slovenian Smart specialisation strategy (2015
- Higher valued-added activities in the supply chain and innovative solutions for green city logistics are both addressed as important aspects
- Specific action (5a) within SUMP – city logistics plan is listed among actions of priority for the period 2016 and 2017.
The territorial context FUA Maribor
- 41 municipalities, 679 settlements
- 2.107 km2 (10,7% of the Slovenian national territory
- 323.461 inhabitants (16,1% of the national population)
- 4.100 working units (G and I sector)
- 1.128 employers (foodstuffs and home accessories
- 7 zones (geographical units), Maribor City is the central zone of the FU
- Zones defend based on road network and based on major cities located within the region Only Maribor and Ptuj with reasonable city centres (all the rest are small villages)
Results achieved from the Survey on commercial flows
- Survey including transport operators of 5 of the most
important retail chains in the region - Total number of interviews: 120
- 113 traffic counts

Freight Quality Partnership (FQP)
- Identification of regional specific problems and needs
- Joint elaboration of measures
- Understanding effects
- SULP creation, adoption and implementation
- Continued and lasting cooperation

Logistics Sustainability Index (LSI) – current situation
- Environment:
o Diesel engine vehicles
o High traffic volumes - Policy:
o Lack of stakeholders‘ involvementoInformation flow problems
o Data sharing restrictions

Data interpretation
- Majority of distribution flows with origin and destination within FUA (Maribor zone more than half of all transport trips)
- Low utilisation rate of vehicles (25% empty, only 15% fully loaded vehicles)
- Fragmentation of deliveries, concentration of deliveries in the morning period (6-10 a.m.)

To read more information about Maribor FUA click here