1. June 2017 - Today we are celebrating the 1st year of implementation of the MOVECIT project.

What was partnership doing in period from June 2016 to May 2017:

  • 06.2016 * Kick-off meeting in Moravske Toplice (Slovenia);
  • 06.2016 - 11.2016 * 2 strategies: Strategy for stakeholder involvement on mobility planning in Central Europe regions and Joint strategy and actions plans for mobility plans in functional urban areas in Central Europe municipalities;
  • 11.2016 * Train the trainer workshop in Brno (Czech Republic) on how to developing and using the tools for workplace mobility plan;
  • 01.2017 * 1st Progress report
  • 03.2017 * Train the trainer worshop in Baden - how develop workplace mobility plan;
  • 06.2016 - 05.2017 * 1.331 unique visits on MOVECIT website;
  • 12.2016 - 05.2017 * 4.468 reached people on FACEBOOK;
  • 06.2016 - 05.2017 * 24 target groups involved and activated (10 local public authorities, 1 regional public authority, 4 sectoral agencies, 3 infrastructure and (public) service providers, 3 NGOs and 3 higher educations and researches);
  • 11.2016 - 03.2017 * 22 trained persons for developing the workplace mobility plan;
  • 01.2017 - 05.2017 * 1 prepared and chick designed handbook on developing, monitoring and evaluation of the workplace mobility plan...

... and much more. This is not all what we do in this time, this are only the mail results of project. Of course is here also the project management, preparation of the progress report, constantly updating of social media and website...

Find here interesting infographic with achieved results. 

MOVECIT project team