The 4th online Project Coordination Meeting
On the first day of the meeting the following tasks of the work packages were discussed:
(1)WPT 1: Development of a transnational knowledge base on the applicability of MAR in CE
• Operation and update of the National Virtual Squares and the Transnational Virtual Square
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• Preparatory work of the 3rd training which will be organized in autumn
(2) WPT 3: Feasibility assessment of establishing MAR schemes in CE
Ongoing evaluation of the pilot site, project discussion based on previously provided by partners inputs.
• current status of pilot activities, which you will find out more about in our last Newsletter 4
o pilot site related Cost-Benefit Analysis
o water demand and supply determination update
• discussion about the content of risk assessment and risk management report, inquiry about the status of the partners process for every 5 project regions
• discussion about the content of the Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment
The results of the work in period 4 were summarized and the action plan for period 5 was presented.
On the following day, our partners started the meeting by sharing the knowledge they had gained from the courses received. The partners gave presentations on how to work in modern software:
(1) hydrogeochemical transport modelling with PHREEQC
(2) groundwater modelling for infrastructure and geotechnical projects in FEFLOW
After that the next project work packages were discussed:
(1) WPT 4: Development of policy recommendations and national action plans
• collection of national legislation and policies on MAR - best practices and gaps
(2) WPT C: -Communication activities & general project communication (social media)
(3) WP M: Project Management
To find out more about our latest project achievements, please read Newsletter 4.