When the partners meet...
Banska Bystrica (Slovakia), 28. - 29. 9. 2017
In September 2017 MOVECIT partnership met in Banska Bystrica (Slovakia). The hosts were Municipality of Banska Bystrica and Ekopolis foundation.

... what was partnership doing in Banska Bystrica ...
1st day was reserved for exchange od experiences. Environmental partnership foundation (CZ) informed partners about TOOLKIT for developing, evaluation and monitoring of the Workplace mobility plan, which is already uploaded on MOVECIT website. They also present training material. Ekopolis Foundation already implemented training with employees in Municipality Banska Bystrica. External co-worker from Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig presented example how they will implement training with employees. They will split group of 20 people in small groups of 5 and they will show them intermodal possibilities for commuting to the workplace (how to combine the use of bicycle and bus, how to use car-sharing, etc.).
Meeting continued with the review on current situation of the processes on Workplace mobility plan and Stakeholder involvement. Most interested were the presentations on pilot actions. Each country presented what kind of pilot actions will implement.

SLOVENIA: Lead partner Development agency Sinergija will prepare personalized travelling plans. Municipality of Ljutomer will be richer for the pilot investment - which is 1 bike shed with recharging for e-bike and e-car.
CZECH REPUBLIC: Municipality of Litomerice will purchase bicycle stands, e-bikes, bike boxes and they will also invest in changing rooms and showers (additional funds leverage). Hospital Litomerice will invest in bicycle stands.
HUNGARY: New service implemented within the BME campus in order to facilitate employee mobility. They faces with the problem of long walking distances, no parking spaces for cars and limited number of shelters and restriction of bike usage. Solution for this will be electric rollers located close to the departments and will be used by employees.
SLOVAKIA: New bike parking shelter as a point of sustainable mobility, location will be nearby the new bus and train station. Shelter will be accompanied with lockable parking space for bikes and boxes for bike helmets or small luggage, chargers for e-bikes, walkability map, stand with the service tools.
AUSTRIA: Austrian partner – Climate Alliance Austria will focus on pedestrians, they will implement awareness raising activities.
ITALY: City of Modena will install the technologies for counting bicycles on roads, or bicycles and pedestrians along sidewalks or shared-use paths.
GERMANY: Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig will invest in 4 pedelcs, 1 cargobike and 5 bicycle boxes for sensitization of employees for using cycling for business trips.
The day ended with the walking tour through Banska Bystrica.

2nd day was dedicated to project management and communication activities.
… next meeting will be in February 2018 in Modena (Italy) …