Working and Steering group meeting in Modena (Italy)
Modena (Italy), 23.02.2018

On 12th and 13th February 2018 project partners gathered in Modena, Italy. The meeting agenda was drafted from study visit, mutual learning, working group meeting and mid-term review.
What partners learned in Modena?
1st day was reserved for study visit through the Modena City and mutual learning. The day start with the study visit trough the Modena City. The journey started at the main square “Piaza Grande”. First stop was at the bus and railway station, where the hosted partner (City of Modena) familiarize the attendees with the bike sharing system and public transport connections. Bike sharing system has in management 300 bicycles and 3.000 registered users. Most of shared bicycles are right at the bus and railway station, to foster multimodality. City of Modena can be also proud of the trolley buses, which have been since 1950. It presently comprises three lines and is one of the largest trolleybus system in Italy. There are also buses on gas, which connect city with the surrounding areas.

From the bus and railway station we continued journey with the bus to the Local Public General Hospital of Modena, where the representative of the mobility department presents how they dealing with the mobility management in the city hospital. Representatives of the Modena’s agency of mobility present the project MO.SSA, which is dealing with the encouraging the change of habits in mobility. The continuation of the meeting was aimed as an open discussion around the issue of how motivate employees in campaign action, how motivate and present the authorities to confirm and adopt the Workplace Mobility Plans.
Mid-term review meeting…
The 2nd day of the meeting was more official. Representative of the Joint Secretariat attended the meeting and project partners go through the project activities, which was implemented from May 2016 till November 2018.

Next meeting will be in September 2018 in Leipzig, Germany.