Study Trip in Meißen (Germany)

The goal of the study trip was to learn about a new and innovative bus service – a voluntary transport scheme called “Bürgerbus Lommatzscher Pflege” -, which has been successfully implemented in the rural areas Käbschütztal and Lommatzsch near Meißen, Saxony. The Bürgerbus was initiated in 2008 to provide a service to communities which would otherwise be isolated from the transport network due to economic reasons. Residents who aren´t able to use conventional forms of transport or do not have access to them should stay independent and active in their local communities.

Study Trip in Meissen

The Bürgerbus has been initiated by a non-profit organisation called “Bürgerbus Lommatzscher Pflege e. V.”. Organisational issues and management are realized by Verkehrsgesellschaft Meißen mbH (VGM). Financial support is provided by the regional government in Meißen.