Municipality of Lublin
City of Lublin is a local government unit and a public finance sector entity. It performs its tasks through Municipality of Lublin, which employs around 1200 employees. The City of Lublin functions both as a gmina (municipality), and a powiat (county), therefore it has responsibilities of those two kinds of self-government units. In order to constantly make a Europe of today, Lublin has to face the emerging challenges that are covered by 4 developmental fields described in the 2020 Lublin Development Strategy. These are: Openness, Friendliness, Entrepreneurship, Academic Spirit.
Experiences in PPI
Municipality of Lublin has experience with launching new public procurement process – PCP – within the project C4BI – “Cities for Business Innovation – Network of Urban Procurers” implemented in 2012-2014 and financed within the 7th FP. The C4BI project was addressing key societal challenge through innovative public procurement processes and launched coordinated public pre-procurement processes within the 4 participating cities: Espinho (Portugal), Stafford (UK), Castellon (Spain) and Lublin (Poland). As first in Poland, Lublin implemented the Regulations of implementation pre-commercial procurement. Also, as one of the first public procurers in Poland, Municipality of Lublin performed procurement, based on PCP rules.
Partner role in project
Municipality of Lublin will take the role of a teaching partner and a pilot partner. As a teaching partner it will closely collaborate with UNITO and DEX IC at creation of PPI2Innovate tool where it will capitalize its unique experience as public procurer and will provide public procurer’s point of view. Their main role is in thematic WP3 to realize the pilot PPI on a municipal level using services of local set up Competence Centre. Municipality of Lublin will also share all progress and experiences with other partners who are going to do a transnational monitoring and evaluation of the pilot project. The Project Partner is also going to organize the study visit, which will provide the evaluators a clear picture of the pilot project’s state of art. This way it will assure the transnational exchange since all project partners can bring critical insights into what is done and how it is done, enabling proposals for potential improvements and identification of issues, which would otherwise not become visible. Municipality of Lublin will also realize trainings for public procurers and create awareness towards potential PPI procurers, thus enhancing its role among other public authorities in Poland in this field.