First stakeholders meeting in Cuneo (Italy)
21 July 2020
In the framework of the ForHeritage project, the City of Cuneo is hosting the pilot site Palazzo Santa Croce, a place well known by the citizens of Cuneo and by the local cultural environment because of its partial renovation and revitalization that transformed it into the new Library for Children and Young People. In order to inform the stakeholders on the ForHeritage project and gather their opinion on the pilot to be conducted, a meeting was held with the participation of 22 participants representing local actors promoting culture in Cuneo and organizations that operate at a regional level in promoting culture and that could support the project with their experience and knowledge. Last, the city of Cuneo has invited two French cities and the promoter of a chain of educational community centres located in London, because of their experience in management of cultural spaces.
The main aim of the meeting has been to meet them and explain them the whole project, the implementation on Palazzo Santa Croce pilot and the details of their involvement. In fact, they were mostly uncertain on their role in the project and on the goal and results of the project itself. After the meeting, a document stating into details the level of involvement required for the stakeholders, the importance of their participation and the common benefits that could derive from ForHeritage project, both for the City of Cuneo and for the stakeholders group, has been prepared and shared with the stakeholders.
Presentation of the ForHeritage project (in Italian)