ForHeritage kick-off meeting
25-26 March 2020
The ForHeritage project has kicked off! The first meeting day was dedicated to general project implementation issues among partners from Poland, Croatia, Italy and Slovenia. Dominika Klekot, the project manager from the Lead Partner - Westpomerania region, and Małgorzata Steckiewicz, external support to project implementation and financial manager, have presented the project rationale and approach, along with arrangements for the start-up of the project. Dr. Daniela Jelinčić from the Institute for Development and International Relations in Zagreb has presented the activities to be conduced in the framework of the first work package in the project. Then, all partner institutions discussed on the outputs from previous projects that the ForHeritage project is capitalising on.
During the second day, bilateral consultations between partner institutions and the lead partner took place. Due to the epidemiological situation, the whole meeting has been organised online through video conferencing. The meeting has been attended also be representative of the Interreg Central Europe programme: Christophe Ebermann, Anna Boruch and Anna Sirocco.
Presentation of the ForHeritage project - Małgorzata Steckiewicz, Projectiff Sp. z o.o.