Online workshop on Patient centerdness
Online workshop on Patient centerdness took place on 5th and 6th October 2020.Focus on the first day was on principles of patient centeredness and good practices of patient centered care.The event was opened by the project manager Dr. Olga Sapožnikov, Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (MMCI) and Dr. Ondřej Májek from the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic (IHIS) with the brief presentation of the INTENT project and aims of the workshop.Dr.
Riccardo Spizzo from the National Cancer Institute – IRCCS CRO AVIANO accented Patient centered model of care developed in the framework of the INTENT project. 5 pilot sites presented initiatives in oncology among the INTENT project. Prof. Ronen Rozenblum, Director, Unit for Innovative Healthcare Practice & Technology Brigham and Women’s Hospital Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School, External Expert on patient centeredness, presented Fundamental Principles to Establish a Culture of Patient-Centered Care (PCC).
Aim of the second day was to discuss on Implementation of patient centered cancer care model.Prof. Péter Nagy, Scientific Director, National Institute of Oncology (NIO) and Dr. Ondřej Májek (IHIS) outlined the importance of preparing the plans and implementation steps to improve patient centeredness. Prof. Ronen Rozenblum presented Innovative Approaches and EvidenceBased Practical Applications to Enhance PCC, Patient Experience & Engagement and Evaluation and Measurement of PCC, Patient Experience & Engagement. Martie Carnie Senior Patient Experience Advisor Center for Patients and Families Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston presented Experiences in the USA on Forming a Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) to achieve patient centered care.