Open Day at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) opened its doors to citizens of Karlsruhe and everyone who is interested in the research work at KIT on 29th June 2019. Exhibitions, interactive activities, lectures, hands-on research projects and a knowledge rally for children: that is what Karlsruhe Institute of Technology has in store at its Open Day. From 10 am to 7 pm, visitors can delve into the fascinating world of science, and experience KIT’s research projects close-up. This year’s Open Day focuses on mobility – all around the topics lightweight construction, electric mobility, renewable fuels, autonomous driving and so on. The Open Day takes place at KIT Campus East, which is situated in the immediate vicinity of the Baden-Württemberg Test Centre for Autonomous Driving. In addition, institutes and competence centres of other KIT locations, such as Campus North and South, will present their offerings at the Open Day.
Start of EFFEKTE science festival
Traditionally the Open Day at KIT also marks the start of the EFFEKTE science festival. At the festival, numerous Karlsruhe research institutions and educational facilities throughout the city will be presenting hands-on science until Sunday, 7th July 2019.
Another event to take place on 29th June alongside the Open Day is “Unifest”, organised by the student body on Campus South at KIT. Arts, sports, interactive activities, and a theatre program will be on the agenda on the culture stage. At 6 pm, the stage program will kick off with numerous bands and DJs, and at 9 pm, the peripheral event rooms will open their doors.
Please find more information about the Open Day at KIT and download the full programme.